The first ever TAMPA DRAWERS SKETCH GANG meet-up took place at Tempus Projects, where this budding collective met every Thursday night to draw, socialize, and collaborate. The Drawers Sketch Gang began after Justin Nelson and Anthony Record’s meeting and duo show just prior.
“[T]he Tampa Drawers Sketch Gang [...] began as the brainchild of Anthony Record, a 30-year-old painter who teaches at HCC-Ybor. Conceived as a loose knit club open to anyone who wants to practice drawing, the group met several times at the former Tempus location then bar hopped around Seminole Heights until [Midulla] and Record hit upon a space sharing plan. Eight core gang members—Record, Neil Bender, Tim McMillan, Ville Mehtonen, Lauren Moradi, Justin Nelson, Monica Perez and Ericka Richardson—ponied up cash to create QUAID, which will organize its own exhibitions.”
-Megan Voeller, Creative Loafing