PALE BLUE DOT :: Ryann Slauson
Photo credit: Nicole Kibert /
PALE BLUE DOT features intriguing works by the Sleepy Vikings drummer and artist Ryann Slauson. This multimedia exhibition includes ink, colored pencil, crayon, acrylic, marker, graphite, and other assorted materials that celebrate the amazing legacy of the Voyager 1 satellite and its interstellar mission. Inspired by a visit to DC’s National Air and Space Museum, the collection consists of intimate scientific charts and diagrams associated with the Voyager 1, as well as a hand-drawn animation depicting a rotation of Jupiter (as captured by the satellite and available on YouTube). The centerpiece of the exhibit, a large-scale model of the Voyager 1 satellite is created from discarded materials in a sloppy and excited representation of an amazing machine. Also featured is music by Diamond Man and projection by artist Kurt Piazza.